Dress/ Vestido: Lovely Wholesale, stilettos: Lovely wholesale , bag/ bolso : Lovely wholesale Sunglasses/ gafas de sol: freyrs
Hola Gente guapa! ya está aquí el fin de semana. Hoy os traigo un outfit con vestido negro con cuello esmoquín en blanco, combinado con unos stilettos negros y un bolso muy original con la silueta de Karl Lagerfeld, que estoy segura que saldrá bastante en el blog. Todo ello de la shop online lovely wholesale, que tiene prendas ideales a unos precios increíbles, os invito a entrar http://www.lovelywholesale.com/, estoy segura que os gustará tanto como a mí. Feliz Viernes!!! Nos vemos en el próximo post .Un besazo by Amanda Chic
Hello beautiful people! here comes the weekend. Today I show you an outfit with black dress with a tuxedo neckline in white, combined with black stilettos and a very original bag with the silhouette of Karl Lagerfeld, I’m pretty sure I will blog it again. All this from the shop online lovely wholesale, a treny shop which is having gorgeous garments at incredible prices, I invite you to come to http://www.lovelywholesale.com/, I’m sure you will like it as much as me. Happy Friday!!! See you at the next post. kisses by Amandachic