Photos by CLoé
I was wearing
skirt/ falda: zara (old), sneakers and bag / bolso y sneakers : Suyana, Leather jacket/ cazadora de cuero/ leather jacket : Lefties
Comienzo la semana con un look sporty chic muy cómodo. Ya falta menos para Semana Santa y ya comenzamos a disfutar de esos rayos de sol, así que apetece un montón este estilo de looks para vestir a diario , con sneakers y bolsos tan chulos como estes de la firma Española Suyana. ¿Qué os parece mi Propuesta? ¡Vamos a comernos la semana! Un besazo by Amanda Chic.
Beginning the week with a look sporty chic very comfortable . Not long to Easter and already we began to have a wonderful weekend, soi love this kind of looks for everyday wear with sneakers and handbags as cool as these from the Spanish brand Suyana . What do you think about my proposal ? Let’s eat the week! kiss by Amanda Chic.