Hello my beauties! Today I share some of my home remedies in this case: how to treat acne. As you know, my skin is acne-prone skin, so I took some years using the following natural tricks of which I will talk and now want to share with you.

Lemon is the perfect fruit to eliminate acne , because its vitamin c provides an acid to the skin that acts as an astringent drying acne and reducing their presence in our face, with visible results in a short time. Throughly clean your face, squeeze lemon juice and apply over the entire face with a cotton ball, and leave it for half an hour . Once past that time, clarifies the face with water and then wash it with an infusion of warm chamomile, chamomile is ideal for this time because it is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, helping to keep the skin clean, disinfected and acts as seborregulator.

 This process should repeat daily and in a few weeks you will notice that your face is more clean, smooth and without acne. It is a home treatment for permanently. Do not forget to clean the face with cleaners Depths, I moisturize the skin properly, drinking lots of water and doing sport, a healthy lifestyle and balanced will also help control  the acne. And you ….Have you have any special trick to these cases? If so I would love to know. kiss, By Amanda Chic

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