Hello my girls !! Today I want show some of the products of my daily beauty routine from the line of natural cosmetics Caudalíe. As you know to delay aging of our skin, we must take care of many aspects such as keeping a healthy lifestyle, drink plenty of water and take care of our nutrition. But besides all of this, it is very important to take care of our skin daily with quality products, for this I trust in Caudalíe. So today I’m going to show you 3 of my  star products of this brand:

-The Moisturizing cream sorbet Caudalíe Vinosource which calming the skin, deep moisturizing and restoring its water, helping to regain flexibility and comfort. I apply it twice daily in the morning upon waking and at nigh, on the face and neck. I like it because it nourishes the skin deeply and  i don’t feel that fat cream, this cream is very fresh and light.

-cream sorbet nourishing moisturizer restores the skin and leaves it soft and flexible, it can be applied morning and night. This is perfect if you have dry skin and want to nurture it.

And to finish my routine natural cosmetic treatments I can not forget the moisturizer sorbet Caudalíe, this is perfect for typical situations of extreme temperatures very cold or hot weather now in summer, as it provides the skin a ultrahidratation and protects against dryness. I hope you enjoy today’s post, What is your daily beauty routine? I invite you to visit her site http://es.caudalie.com/ to know more about it. kiss By Amanda Chic

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