
Hi lovely people !! As you know I am a huge fan of natural cosmetics. So today, my beauty post is dedicated for a Spanish brand very prestigious in the organic cosmetic: «Amapola Bio».

What better to give to your skin beauty secrets of Mother Nature? Plants have many active ingredients, moisturizing and nourishing for our skin, and Amapola Bio offers active substances made from natural ingredients that the skin absorbs and appreciates.

I show you a selection of my favorites products from Amapola Bio, which you can find in its online store http://tienda.talleramapola.com/

Revitalizing moiusturizer of Alma Argán + rejuvenating serum Alma Argán. I recommend you use these two products combined, first serum and then revitalizing cream, the effect is amazing, they protect and regenerate the skin. I love to use them during the night, to have a radiant skin the next day.


Anti-cellulite cream with extract of Centella Asiatic:

This is one of my favorites, applied on the legs and abdomen, it actives the circulation and moisturizing, it has anti-inflammatory effect and the feeling is great, the skin is cool.

Hydrating Cream with Burdock and nettle:

Super recommended for those who like me ,have oily skin with acne, as it is astringent and absorbs excess fat. This always apply as day cream.

Oil Thousand Wonders:

It is high in centella asiatica, and it prevents the stretch marks and helps the skin to be more smooth and soft.

I hope you enjoyed today’s post and I want to encourag you to test bio natural cosmetics, I can assure you that the difference is great, it’s much more respectful to the skin and has all the curative properties that the plants offer.

I hope you liked this post with my tricks of beauty that you know that I love to share with you. Kisses By Amanda Chic


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