Total look, top and
legging https://bringsportswear.com/
After the slope of January and just released the 2017 in our list of purposes usually find ourselves stacks and go to the gym to train. I really go all year and I have practically a sport routine from Monday to Friday whenever my schedules and work allow me, for me it is not an obligation, I feel great after training, to have released endorphins, it is a Way of escape to everything, where I am alone and my body, my moment of the day.
There is nothing better than fulfilling this purpose of new year or in my case the daily sports routine that motivated, with a collection like this set of top and leggin that I teach you today of the sports firm Bringsportswear. I love red for sport, it seems a color that brings a very good feeling :). I leave a photo shoot that we do outdoors, there is nothing that feels better than a little exercise breathing pure air. I hope you like this look, if you want to see more designs I leave the link to his web https://bringsportswear.com/. And from here I encourage you to start doing sports, whatever the mode, walking, cycling, running … and at your pace, putting the intensity that you want but move! Is the best thing you can do for your body, remember “take care your body is the only place you have to live”. See you at the next fitness post, releasing many endorphins jjajaja. A chic kiss;)