According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NTSA), many Americans cycle to commute, for fun or exercise. While cycling requires commitment, some factors can impact your progress. If you intend to take up cycling challenge, here are inspiring tips to help you succeed:
Hydrate Well When Cycling
During cycling, your fluid requirement increases regardless of the weather conditions. Your heart works much harder because sweating and exhaled breath reduces your blood volume. You can avoid dehydration by drinking small quantities of energy drink or water throughout the cycling. One of the best ways to keep track of your hydration is by observing your urine color. For example, a pale straw color shows proper hydration, while anything darker indicates you need more fluid. If you need help with this, here are the best hydration packs, including for:
- Snowboarding
- Country skiing
- Road cycling
- Paddleboarding
- Hunting
Learn How to Fix Puncture
Today’s puncture-resistant tyres are excellent for bicycle riders. However, consistent cycling means you may have a puncture one day. Learning how to fix this problem can save you from such a daunting experience. After fixing the tyre, ensure you remove what may have led to the puncture to avoid popping the replaced inner tube as well.
Have Several Vital Kit Pieces
While cycling can seem an expensive hobby, the opposite is true. Bikers don’t need to break their bank to enjoy road cycling. However, you should adhere to the National Highway Traffic Safety Authority’s guidelines for your safety when cycling. Here are critical items you may need:
- Helmet
- Bike lights
- Pedals and shoes
- Gloves
- Track pump
- Road cycling hydration packs
Exude Confidence on the Road
Some new riders may think hiding to the road’s furthest side is the safest thing. That’s wrong because other people using the road may fail to see you or squeeze past without enough room. Avoid this situation by acquiring a confident position when cycling. Remember all road users should adhere to the set regulations, and cyclists have a right to using the carriageway.
Eat While You Ride
For some hobbies like swimming or running, eating while engaging may not work. But if you’re a cyclist who bikes for multiple hours, you may need to carry snacks with you. For example, a cereal bar can help if you’re cycling for over 90 minutes. Eating or drinking as you pedal may require some practice, but it’s worth the effort. Having snacks helps if cafes and shops are closed.
Learn Bike Handling Skills
Experienced road cyclists have excellent riding skills. Continued practice helps you understand the rules, road conditions and corners. If you’re looking to enhance your riding skills, engage with pro riders or take a course for bike safety. You can also join a bike cycling club within your locality. Ask as many questions as possible on how you can improve your riding skills.
Cycling can be an exciting hobby if you learn how to do it the right way. If you plan to start regular biking, don’t rush it. Doing it this way can lead to unnecessary injuries and fatigue. Utilize the above tips and build up your momentum. You may achieve your biking goals by creating and following a routine.